
Tinder Announces App Will No Longer Match Users Solely With Distant Relatives

LOS ANGELES—Touting the newest update as a “game changer” for those looking to find love beyond their third cousins once removed, Tinder announced Monday that their app will no longer match users solely with their distant relatives. “As of today, swiping right does not mean you will automatically be paired with someone who shares at least 12 percent of your DNA,” said Match Group CEO Mandy Ginsberg, adding that the app’s algorithm would now automatically seek to connect people with prospects outside the previous pool of long-lost siblings, unwitting in-laws, and other mutually attracted family members. “Yes, countless relationships on Tinder have resulted in users marrying someone with whom they share a great-grandparent or a distant aunt or uncle. But now, whether you’re looking for something casual, serious, or just a way to hook up, you will have the chance to meet someone outside your gene pool.” Ginsberg added that, for $3.99 per month, premium users could sign up for something called “Incest Plus” where they were only matched with their parents or siblings.