Timeline Of The Iowa Caucuses Debacle

The Iowa caucuses, where the first votes were tallied for the 2020 presidential election, became a days-long fiasco largely due to an app malfunction. The Onion offers a look at the key events of the Iowa caucuses debacle.

Friday, July 5, 1776, 5:01 AM:

Iowa caucuses system implemented on first day of America.

Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2020, 8:27 PM:

Democratic National Committee’s plan to sabotage caucuses finalized.

Thursday, Jan. 30, 3:26 PM:

For-profit tech company Shadow assures DNC that election app cost millions of dollars.

Sunday, Feb. 2, 8:01 AM:

Iowa precinct chairs downloading app unknowingly release all personal data to Shadow.

Monday, Feb. 3, 6:30 PM:

Thousands of Iowans kiss families goodbye for last time before entering designated caucus locations.

Monday, Feb. 3, 10:23 PM:

Border precincts yell into Nebraska to see if anyone there can help with app.

Monday, Feb. 3, 11:38 PM:

Denver resident Amy Stanton’s friends leave her to clean up mess after her caucus viewing party totally ruined by lack of results.

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 6:01 AM:

Pete Buttigieg begins assembling cabinet.

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1:19 PM:

Media declares Iowa caucuses incredibly significant symbol of irrelevance.

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 4:13 PM:

DNC official Googles rules of rounding decimal numbers for 10,000th time of day.

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 6:02 PM:

Joe Biden takes consolation in fact that Iowa’s embarrassment eclipses his.

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 10:09 AM:

Iowa Democratic Party announces plan to trickle out information about single vote every day for next 17,000 months.

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 5:12 PM:

Marion, IA resident Terry Walker begins to lose faith in Bernie Sanders’ ability to accurately convey how little political establishment cares about voters.

Thursday, Feb. 6, 11:20 AM:

Democratic Party officials scrambling to find someone less qualified to do Tom Perez’s job.

Thursday, Feb. 6, 8:30 PM:

Election officials hail intractable first-place tie between Sanders and Buttigieg as victory for more voters than ever before.

Friday, Feb. 7, 4:02 PM:

Fuck it, Tom Steyer declares victory too.