Tiger Woods Continues Hitting Bucket Of Balls After Hearing Wife Has Gone Into Labor

ORLANDO—According to his personal caddy Steve Williams, after Tiger Woods was informed that his wife had gone into labor with their first child on Monday, the 12-time major champion acknowledged the news, calmly put down his cellular phone, and continued hitting the 60 or so golf balls he had remaining from a large bucket he purchased 20 minutes earlier. “Tiger felt that it was extremely important to work on shaping all kinds of shots for the upcoming British Open,” Williams said, adding that, upon hearing that his wife’s contractions were only seven minutes apart, Woods concentrated on methodically hitting pitches, high fades, and low draws. “I thought maybe he would cut his practice session a little short for once, but when he was done with the bucket of balls he told me to get his putter so he could work on eight-footers.” After receiving another phone call saying that his wife had given birth to a baby girl, Woods reportedly said nothing for some time, eventually instructing Williams to get him another bucket of balls.