
Third Of Fish Sold In U.S. Mislabeled As Different Species

Using genetic testing, researchers found that one-third of all fish sold as food in the U.S. was actually a different species than the one listed on the label or menu, with sushi bars misleading consumers most often. What do you think?

Troy McManus • Unemployed

“Then it’s a good thing I don’t care what goes in my body.”

Troy McManus • Unemployed

Jenna Mosko • Stable Attendant

“I doubt the sushi places are doing it intentionally. I bet the guys doing the study just don’t know how to order correctly.”

Jenna Mosko • Stable Attendant

Jorge Zapata • Rivet Heater

“That’s why I stick to eating ground beef. I may not know what’s in it, but I know it’s gotta be one of four animals.”

Jorge Zapata • Rivet Heater