
The WorldCom Scandal

WorldCom falsely accounted for $3.8 billion in expenses, enabling the company to continue reporting profits when it was actually losing money. What do you think?

Diane Prince • Teacher

“Let’s not be so quick to judge here. After all, who among us hasn’t made an accounting error of $3.8 billion at some point?”

Diane Prince • Teacher

Cindy Sherfee • Chiropractor

“Well, maybe corporations wouldn’t have to lie about their finances if the government didn’t force them to pay taxes. Ever think about that, you liberal jerks?”

Cindy Sherfee • Chiropractor

Mick Olberding • Auto Mechanic

“I like the way they sent their landlord a check made out to the gas company for $3.8 billion and vice-versa. I gotta remember that trick.”

Mick Olberding • Auto Mechanic

Scott Sullivan • CFO

“As the CFO of WorldCom, I assure you that I’ll have this whole mess cleared up in no time, just as soon as I hit the exacta in the third race at Belmont. Go, Sheba’s Dancer!

Scott Sullivan • CFO

Dean Young • Landscaper

“This doesn’t really affect me, as I’ve never heard of WorldCom. Now, if Taco Bell collapsed… shit.”

Dean Young • Landscaper

Tom Dyson • Systems Analyst

“If investors divested from every corporation guilty of corruption and fraud, it would only precipitate a deep, years-long recession. It’s our patriotic duty to look the other way.”

Tom Dyson • Systems Analyst