The Week In Pictures – Week Of August 31, 2015

Man To Undergo Extensive Interrogation By Coworkers About Where He Got Falafel
Man To Undergo Extensive Interrogation By Coworkers About Where He Got Falafel
Single, Unemployed Mother Leeching Off Government
Single, Unemployed Mother Leeching Off Government
ISIS Operatives Destroy Hofner Bass Guitar Signed By Paul McCartney
ISIS Operatives Destroy Hofner Bass Guitar Signed By Paul McCartney
1,400 Dead After Mike Trout Fouls Line Drive Into Stands
1,400 Dead After Mike Trout Fouls Line Drive Into Stands
Nation To Try Channeling Outrage Over Gun Control Into Issue That Can Actually Be Addressed
Nation To Try Channeling Outrage Over Gun Control Into Issue That Can Actually Be Addressed
Responsible Gun Owner Keeps Firearms Safely Locked Away Where Only He Can Get Them During Mental Breakdown
Responsible Gun Owner Keeps Firearms Safely Locked Away Where Only He Can Get Them During Mental Breakdown
Barbara Bush Calls White House To See If She Can Leave Husband There For Few Hours
Barbara Bush Calls White House To See If She Can Leave Husband There For Few Hours
Scott Walker Watches Candidates Emerge Shaken From GOP’s Female Experience Simulator
Scott Walker Watches Candidates Emerge Shaken From GOP’s Female Experience Simulator
Female Trump Supporters Just Feel More Comfortable With GOP Candidate Who’s Openly Horrible To Them
Female Trump Supporters Just Feel More Comfortable With GOP Candidate Who’s Openly Horrible To Them
It Impossible To Tell What Sounds Will Freak Out Cat
It Impossible To Tell What Sounds Will Freak Out Cat
Hubble Telescope Discovers Giant Amelia Earhart Statue On Distant Planet
Hubble Telescope Discovers Giant Amelia Earhart Statue On Distant Planet
College Still Looking For Absolute Saddest Place On Campus To Hold Transfer Student Orientation
College Still Looking For Absolute Saddest Place On Campus To Hold Transfer Student Orientation
Q-Tips Introduces New Multi-Speed Electric Ear Swab
Q-Tips Introduces New Multi-Speed Electric Ear Swab
Guantanamo Bay Begins Construction On Senior Care Wing
Guantanamo Bay Begins Construction On Senior Care Wing
Lindsey Graham Struggling To Stay Awake While Driving Empty Campaign Bus Overnight To Next Event
Lindsey Graham Struggling To Stay Awake While Driving Empty Campaign Bus Overnight To Next Event