The Week In Pictures – Week Of April 9, 2018

Bill Cosby Feeling Better About Retrial Now That Climate Around Sexual Assault Has Cooled Down
Bill Cosby Feeling Better About Retrial Now That Climate Around Sexual Assault Has Cooled Down
18-To-35 White, Male Demographic Still Searching For Perfect Way To Quench Its Thirst
18-To-35 White, Male Demographic Still Searching For Perfect Way To Quench Its Thirst
Teen On Birthright Trip Hadn’t Expected To See So Many Dead Palestinians
Teen On Birthright Trip Hadn’t Expected To See So Many Dead Palestinians
Man In Political Argument Clearly Just Regurgitating Monologue From ‘Henry V’
Man In Political Argument Clearly Just Regurgitating Monologue From ‘Henry V’
Study: Coffee Drinkers At Far Higher Risk Of Having Mug Crash To Floor In Slow Motion After Hearing Their Father Is Dead
Study: Coffee Drinkers At Far Higher Risk Of Having Mug Crash To Floor In Slow Motion After Hearing Their Father Is Dead
Recently Discovered 13,000-Year-Old Footprints Reveal Humans Danced The Charleston Earlier Than First Thought
Recently Discovered 13,000-Year-Old Footprints Reveal Humans Danced The Charleston Earlier Than First Thought
Oklahoma Leaders Claim Teachers’ Strike Betrays Values Of Nation’s 1914 Founding By Abraham Lincoln And Orville Redenbacher
Oklahoma Leaders Claim Teachers’ Strike Betrays Values Of Nation’s 1914 Founding By Abraham Lincoln And Orville Redenbacher
Family Has Way Too Many Daughters For Them Not To Have Been Trying For Son
Family Has Way Too Many Daughters For Them Not To Have Been Trying For Son
25-Year-Old Moving Into Comfortable, Rent-Free Arrangement In Parents’ Home Worried He’s Hit Rock Bottom
25-Year-Old Moving Into Comfortable, Rent-Free Arrangement In Parents’ Home Worried He’s Hit Rock Bottom
‘Roseanne’ Taping Repeatedly Interrupted By Reporters Trying To Interview Members Of White Working Class
‘Roseanne’ Taping Repeatedly Interrupted By Reporters Trying To Interview Members Of White Working Class
New ‘Cut Off Your Genitals’ Challenge Gains Popularity Among Teens Online
New ‘Cut Off Your Genitals’ Challenge Gains Popularity Among Teens Online
Woman Who Choked To Death Alone In Apartment Kicked Out Of Book Club For Missing Last 2 Meetings
Woman Who Choked To Death Alone In Apartment Kicked Out Of Book Club For Missing Last 2 Meetings
Gynecologists Recommend Taking Time Off Between IUDs To Allow Body To Expel Backlogged Periods
Gynecologists Recommend Taking Time Off Between IUDs To Allow Body To Expel Backlogged Periods
Report: This Not A Gun
Report: This Not A Gun
Cows Go Extinct
Cows Go Extinct
Black Father Gives Son The Talk About Holding Literally Any Object
Black Father Gives Son The Talk About Holding Literally Any Object
Retired Pope Benedict Pledges To Donate Soul For Ecclesiastic Research
Retired Pope Benedict Pledges To Donate Soul For Ecclesiastic Research
Exercising Woman Really Starting To Feel The Burn Of Lifelong Injury Developing
Exercising Woman Really Starting To Feel The Burn Of Lifelong Injury Developing