The Week In Pictures

Hire Of Local Moron Gives Nation Hope For Employment
Hire Of Local Moron Gives Nation Hope For Employment
Romney: ’This Is Why They Call Me Turnaround Mitty From Comeback City’
Romney: ’This Is Why They Call Me Turnaround Mitty From Comeback City’
Jerry Sandusky Hoping Judge Takes It Easy On Him With Sentencing
Jerry Sandusky Hoping Judge Takes It Easy On Him With Sentencing
U.S. Treasury Cowboy Claims Something Done Spooked Economy
U.S. Treasury Cowboy Claims Something Done Spooked Economy
Chiefs Scold Fans For Cheering Brady Quinn
Chiefs Scold Fans For Cheering Brady Quinn
Romney Frantically Figuring Out How Tax Plan Could Actually Work After Realizing He Might Win Election
Romney Frantically Figuring Out How Tax Plan Could Actually Work After Realizing He Might Win Election
Nation Did Not See Mark Wahlberg’s Sex Change Coming
Nation Did Not See Mark Wahlberg’s Sex Change Coming
Mr. Autumn Man Walking Down Street With Cup Of Coffee, Wearing Sweater Over Plaid Collared Shirt
Mr. Autumn Man Walking Down Street With Cup Of Coffee, Wearing Sweater Over Plaid Collared Shirt
Biden’s Handlers Suggesting He Forget The Words ’Pink’ And ’Stink’ Altogether
Biden’s Handlers Suggesting He Forget The Words ’Pink’ And ’Stink’ Altogether
Justice Ginsburg Throws Party While 120-Year-Old Parents Away For Weekend
Justice Ginsburg Throws Party While 120-Year-Old Parents Away For Weekend
Naked, Tied-Up Paul Ryan Tells Staff He Can’t Prepare For Debate Unless They Slap Him Harder
Naked, Tied-Up Paul Ryan Tells Staff He Can’t Prepare For Debate Unless They Slap Him Harder
Ryan Chugs Down Rhino Horn And Bull Semen Shake For Mid-Debate Boost
Ryan Chugs Down Rhino Horn And Bull Semen Shake For Mid-Debate Boost
Eloquent Biden Brings Entire Audience To Tears In Debate Stunner
Eloquent Biden Brings Entire Audience To Tears In Debate Stunner
King Hippo’s New Boxing Gym Allows 8-Bit Teenagers To Get Off Pixelated Streets
King Hippo’s New Boxing Gym Allows 8-Bit Teenagers To Get Off Pixelated Streets