The Week In Pictures

George W. Bush Returns To America After Spending 4 Years In The Himalayas
George W. Bush Returns To America After Spending 4 Years In The Himalayas
The Onion Voter’s Guide To Barack Obama
The Onion Voter’s Guide To Barack Obama
Scientists Working On Immortality Better Hurry Up Because Ian McKellen Is 73
Scientists Working On Immortality Better Hurry Up Because Ian McKellen Is 73
Gallup Poll: Rural Whites Prefer Ahmadinejad To Obama
Gallup Poll: Rural Whites Prefer Ahmadinejad To Obama
Romney Campaign Reboots For 72nd Consecutive Week
Romney Campaign Reboots For 72nd Consecutive Week
BREAKING: Friend Who Just Got Motorcycle Already Dead
BREAKING: Friend Who Just Got Motorcycle Already Dead
Loose First-Grader Brings Home Different Friend Every Time
Loose First-Grader Brings Home Different Friend Every Time
Office Cheering On Employee Going For 32-Minute Nonstop Work Streak
Office Cheering On Employee Going For 32-Minute Nonstop Work Streak
Nation’s Creepy Middle School Gym Teachers Also Come Out In Favor Of Circumcision
Nation’s Creepy Middle School Gym Teachers Also Come Out In Favor Of Circumcision
Florida To Experiment With New 600-Lever Voting Machines
Florida To Experiment With New 600-Lever Voting Machines
Insurance Company Celebrates 50 Billionth Fucking Over Of Customer
Insurance Company Celebrates 50 Billionth Fucking Over Of Customer
NFL: ’We Want To Protect The Integrity Of Our Brutal, Inhuman Game’
NFL: ’We Want To Protect The Integrity Of Our Brutal, Inhuman Game’
Man Going To Show Up To Launch Of J.K. Rowling’s New Book Dressed As Severus Snape Anyway
Man Going To Show Up To Launch Of J.K. Rowling’s New Book Dressed As Severus Snape Anyway
Tragic Accident Kills Aspiring Living Person
Tragic Accident Kills Aspiring Living Person