The Tax-Cut Proposal

In his first major initiative as president, George W. Bush is lobbying hard for a controversial $1.6 trillion tax cut. What do you think?

“Finally, the burden of raising a family on a meager factory-job salary will be lifted slightly. What? It won’t? Damn.”

Sunil Bardeekian • Forklift Operator

“Is this one of those things that sounds great but only benefits the rich? Or is it one of those genuinely great, fairytale things that never really happens?”

Hillary Green • Art Historian

“I’m not sure what to make of all this. Can I get back to you after tonight’s

Jill Yablonsky • Homemaker

“A 10-year, $1.6 trillion cut to revive a softening economy and rein in spending impulses in Congress? Four words:

Frank Muncie • Systems Analyst

“Income tax? Geez, I thought that highway toll I paid when we went to Taste Of Chicago last year took care of everything.”

Bill Bohnert • Custodian

“This would be a tremendous boon to me and my fellow corporate titans if any of us actually paid taxes.”

Tom Wilhoyte • CEO