
The Super-Flu Threat

Although there hasn’t been a new case of avian flu since last December, when it took six lives in Hong Kong, virologists fear it could combine with another existing flu to form a highly lethal and contagious “super-flu” virus, killing millions worldwide. What do you think?

Matt Kelso • Typing Instructor

“Fighting this epidemic will require a historic alliance between rival flu-fighting superpowers Comtrex and Nyquil.”

Matt Kelso • Typing Instructor

Geoffrey Hall • Chiropractor

“I’ve heard many times that the planet will rise up and protect itself from the excesses of mankind. I guess that’s why that fucking possum keeps sneaking into my garage.”

Geoffrey Hall • Chiropractor

Linda Oppert • Systems Analyst

“First, the millennium bug, now this.

Linda Oppert • Systems Analyst

Danielle Eppard • Nurse

“I look forward to the coming plague, because my bizarre existentialist rantings will become important again.”

Danielle Eppard • Nurse

Damon Quintana • Retiree

“As a survivor of the 1918 flu epidemic, I pray that my nurse will soon come and turn me over.”

Damon Quintana • Retiree

Alex Wulf • Chemical Engineer

“There is only one man who can help us in this, the time of the super-flu. He goes by many names—The Dark Man, Randall Flagg, The Walkin’ Dude. His followers must gather in what was once Las Vegas to prepare for the coming age of ultimate evil.”

Alex Wulf • Chemical Engineer