
The School-Choice Debate

Debate is raging over the issue of school choice, whose advocates are calling for tax-supported vouchers that can go toward private-school tuition. What do you think?

Bobby Moore • Student

“Me and all my friends here in Compton are hoping to go to Phillips-Exeter Preparatory Academy if this initiative passes.”

Bobby Moore • Student

Stephen Reichel • Chiropractor

“The thing I like best about this plan is that it will help those who need it least.”

Stephen Reichel • Chiropractor

Marty Slocum • Systems Analyst

“If private school is anything like it was in the 1983 teen sex romp of the same name, I want a voucher.”

Marty Slocum • Systems Analyst

Stephanie Chambers • Hairstylist

“Can’t we argue about something more important to our children’s education, like, say, prayer?”

Stephanie Chambers • Hairstylist

Rich Bartholomew • Gardener

“This is a great way to solve all the problems caused by desegregation.”

Rich Bartholomew • Gardener

Margaret Cort • Painter

“If I could go to one school, it would definitely have to be Degrassi High.”

Margaret Cort • Painter