The Puff Daddy Trial

Rapper Sean “Puffy” Combs is on trial for illegal gun possession and bribery stemming from a 1999 shooting at a Manhattan nightclub. What do you think?

“How can Puffy possibly get a fair trial? It’ll be impossible to find 12 jurors who don’t already hate him for his shitty music.”

Bob Ayers • Cashier

“I don’t think it was a good idea for Puffy to take the stand and just chant, ’Unhh, yeah’ over a recording of O.J. Simpson’s testimony.”

Aimee Kohl • Graduate Student

“A rapper with a gun? This is the most insane witch hunt in history.”

Jim Druckert • Jim Druckert

“So they’re prosecuting him on gun charges but letting him off the hook for ’I’ll Be Missing You’?”

Natalie Orza • Homemaker

“I bet Jay-Z is so jealous.”

Gregg Butler • Accountant

“Man, I’d hate to cross paths with that guy in prison. No, wait–that would be fine.”

John Whalen • Cab Driver