The Onion’s Complete Coverage Of A Far More Measured And Presidential Teleprompter

Jake Hyland Of Kansas City, MO Chosen As Nation’s Designated Survivor In Case Rest Of Country Wiped Out During Presidential Address
Jake Hyland Of Kansas City, MO Chosen As Nation’s Designated Survivor In Case Rest Of Country Wiped Out During Presidential Address
Acoustic-Guitar-Wielding Trump Tells Congress ‘This Here’s The Story Of America’
Acoustic-Guitar-Wielding Trump Tells Congress ‘This Here’s The Story Of America’
Melania Trump Looks Down On Husband From Gallery With Loving Grimace
Melania Trump Looks Down On Husband From Gallery With Loving Grimace
Pence Passing Time During Trump’s Speech By Mentally Baptizing Senators
Pence Passing Time During Trump’s Speech By Mentally Baptizing Senators
Trump Outlines Bold Vision For Nation’s Next Mass Protests
Trump Outlines Bold Vision For Nation’s Next Mass Protests
Ruby Tuesday Waiter Warns Jill Stein Her Green Party Response To Trump Speech Disrupting Other Diners
Ruby Tuesday Waiter Warns Jill Stein Her Green Party Response To Trump Speech Disrupting Other Diners