
The Most Tragic Film Set Accidents

The recent death of a cinematographer on the set of the film Rust has shown a spotlight on tragic deaths on film sets, as well as given rise to safety concerns surrounding props and stunts. The Onion looks back at other tragic film set tragedies.

Armageddon: Over 250,000 people were killed when producers accidentally detonated a live nuclear bomb instead of using blanks.

The Little Mermaid: The live-action version was scrapped after several actors drowned while attempting to sing underwater.

Inception: Leonardo DiCaprio insisted on doing all of his own sleeping for this sci-fi film, leading to some very scary nightmares for the actor.

The Twilight Zone: The Movie: Actor Vic Morrow was killed while filming a helicopter scene, in an accident like something out of The Outer Limits.

Kazaam: The entire Hollywood community mourned after this disastrous 1996 Shaquille O’Neal vehicle finished production and was widely released.

Delta Force 2: So-called action hero Chuck Norris failed to save five people killed in an on-set helicopter crash.

The Godfather Part II: While filming the famous “kiss of death” scene, Al Pacino broke four of John Cazale’s teeth after not being provided appropriately padded stunt lips.

Air Bud: Tragedy ensued after a crew bored by long filming delays started a dogfighting ring with the Air Buds.