The Medical-Marijuana Ban

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled 8-0 that federal law does not allow a “medical necessity” exception to the ban on marijuana use. What do you think?

“Good. Medical marijuana is a gateway drug, and many who use it go on to use stronger stuff–even engaging in full-blown chemotherapy.”

Diane Denkinger • Realtor

“Luckily, people with health problems still have the healing powers of alcohol at their disposal.”

David Dawson • Mechanic

“You know, those Cheech & Chong movies come off as very warm and human if you see them as simple dramas about two dying friends.”

Patti D’Andrea • Tour Guide

“What? I can’t believe I voted for David Souter in the

Radu Manogian • File Clerk

“The terminally ill need to learn that you can have fun without all the drugs.”

Burt Allenby • Systems Analyst

“If they really wanted to stop people from smoking pot, they

Marlon Edwards • Civil Engineer