The Looming NFL Referee Strike

With contract negotiations failing and the league announcing plans to hire replacement officials, the NFL Referees Association may soon go on strike. We boil down the major sticking points of both sides.

Referees allege the NFL has covered up the long-term health risks of blowing whistles

NFL has declined referee’s repeated requests to once and for all please explain to them in simple language exactly what is and is not pass interference

Refs have filed a $1.5 million defamation of character suit against league’s replay booths, which they claim undermine their authority by constantly contradicting their decisions

NFL would require every ref to be as ripped as that hunky muscleman Ed Hochuli

Refs want to be permitted to join in when players do a touchdown dance

NFL won’t guarantee that no official will ever have to share field with Jay Cutler more than once a season

Refs want fully furnished three-bedroom apartment from which they can comfortably watch the game instead of exposing themselves to harm on the field

NFL has demanded legally binding written guarantee that officials will never get anything wrong ever again