
The Interest-Rate Hike

Last week, the Federal Reserve raised a key short-term interest rate for the first time in four years. What do you think?

Danielle Strohkirch • Secretary

“It’s about time Greenspan got off his duff and did something other than sit around the office all day analyzing market indicators.”

Danielle Strohkirch • Secretary

Justin Fillmore • Dental Hygienist

“As long as the rate hike makes it tougher for terrorists to afford the tools of terror, I’ll support it.”

Justin Fillmore • Dental Hygienist

Michael Eighmy • Systems Analyst

“Perfect. Just perfect. First my wife leaves me, then my son dies in a car accident, and now

Michael Eighmy • Systems Analyst

Tony Fields • Audiologist

“Classic move by the Fed Chief there. Man, Greenspan—gotta love him.”

Tony Fields • Audiologist

Jason Forst • Performer

“The lenders should fight the Feds and refuse to raise the rates. Come on, America. We can do this.”

Jason Forst • Performer

Christine Cain • Veterinarian

“How does the Federal Reserve sleep at night? More to the point, how does it stay awake during the day?”

Christine Cain • Veterinarian