The High Reis: Interview With Mark Shepard

Today I was bored so I decided to make a blog post by interviewing my SportsDome co-anchor Mark Shepard. I recorded it all on my voice recorder, but I dropped it down the sewer accidentally so I reconstructed the interview from memory. I tried to do a good interview, so here it is.

Why do you like working at SportsDome?

He talked for a while after this question and I don’t remember what he said. He mentioned sports once or twice and I think he said something about “human drama” which is one of his favorite phrases, but I don’t know what it means and I don’t care to know either.

How much do you get paid?

Mark refused to answer this question.

What’s your favorite sport?

He said soccer, then I made fun of him for a while and he got mad in that way where he doesn’t admit he’s mad, but I could tell because he turned red and he kept looking away and sighing a lot. I told him soccer was a sport for idiots and it was boring.

Why do you like working at SportsDome?

I accidentally asked this question twice.

How did you start working at OSN?

I don’t remember what he said for this question.

I asked him another question that I forgot and in his answer he said something about “devil’s food cake.” Then we talked about devil’s food cake for a while but that was off the record.

I also did an interview with Melissa Wells who is not an anchor but is always hanging around the studio. She walked off halfway through because the questions I was asking were “over the line.” She said she was going to HR and although I think she was bluffing I’m not going to post the interview because I am already on thin ice.