The Daily Bump: America Has Gorgalon Fever

It seems like you can’t pick up a magazine this week without seeing Zorla Gorgalon and her 352 precious newborns. Why are celebrity-watchers so obsessed with Zorla? It seems there’s a lot of good reasons.

First off, Zorla seems to be a genuinely good mother whose primary concerns in life are simply to put a roof over her children’s heads and feeding them the 40 pounds of raw squid and three liters of paint they each consume daily.

Also, unlike some previous multi-mommies, Zorla doesn’t appear desperate for the spotlight. In fact, she can be described as downright reclusive, usually hissing at the paparazzi and emitting an extremely high-pitched tone which melts all nearby plastics whenever a cameraman gets too close.

Finally, many fans feel inspired by Zorla’s personal story of strength. Not only is Zorla a single mother but she reports she is a recent immigrant to “this place.”

No matter what happens next for Zorla, one thing is clear: America will be watching.