
The Clone Wars

In the first-ever cloning of a mammal, scientists in Scotland announced last week that they had successfully cloned a sheep. What do you think?

Tad Kolinski • Farmer

“Big deal. I discovered the secret of

Tad Kolinski • Farmer

Wendy Reid • Interior Decorator

“The world of the frighteningly prophetic 1984 film

Wendy Reid • Interior Decorator

Barbara Eastman • Systems Analyst

“I can’t believe it—imagine a whole field of sheep that

Barbara Eastman • Systems Analyst

Rajeev Pindar • Speech Pathologist

“They spend billions on genetics research, and meanwhile, I still have no pretzel rods with tangy ranch flavor.”

Rajeev Pindar • Speech Pathologist

Tony Roth • Building Supervisor

“Science can do anything now, man. They can clone, they can orbit shit. Hell, I’ll admit it—science is cool.”

Tony Roth • Building Supervisor

Will Backman • Plumber

“I think I saw some of those cloning experiments going on down at the mall. They had wallet chains and real big pants.”

Will Backman • Plumber