
The Cincinnati Riots

Riots erupted in Cincinnati last week following the shooting death of an unarmed black man by police officers. What do you think about the latest such incident?

Dianne Chester • Piano Teacher

“It’s no surprise that these types of situations occur. Our police are overworked and underpaid and mostly really stupid.”

Dianne Chester • Piano Teacher

Ira Richmond • Business Owner

“If black people are going to act like animals every time they’re treated like animals, racists like me will never respect them.”

Ira Richmond • Business Owner

Bob Edmondson • Plumber

“Riots are tragic releases following years of pent-up rage and despair. Unless they occur after a sports championship. Those rule.”

Bob Edmondson • Plumber

Amil Gopalakian • Cashier

“This is the worst thing to happen in Cincinnati since that radio station dropped all those flightless Thanksgiving turkeys from a helicopter.”

Amil Gopalakian • Cashier

Jerome Barker • Systems Analyst

“I know there’s racism, but the police are under a lot of pressure. So the next time a cop is braining me, I’m going to relax, count to 10, and try my best to see his point of view.”

Jerome Barker • Systems Analyst

Anita Holcomb • Speech Therapist

“I’m sure that if Cincinnati’s blacks and whites just sat down and talked honestly about their feelings, it would combust into violence 10 times worse than those riots.”

Anita Holcomb • Speech Therapist