The Candidate And Cocaine

Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush continues to dodge questions about whether he has ever used cocaine or other illegal drugs. What do you think?

“Bush is a good man, and I’m sure he wouldn’t have done drugs unless he absolutely had to.”

Wayne Caldwell • Systems Analyst

“He had access to cocaine? Man, I wish my dad was head of the CIA.”

Paul Stankiewicz • Meat Cutter

“This is the sort of thing that could cause America to lose faith in the privileged sons of the rich and powerful.”

Linda Atkinson • Commercial Artist

“A candidate who did drugs? I’m voting for him. He’s sure to kick all the fat cats out of office and rule with groovy peace vibes.”

Randy Hart • Welder

“I can’t believe the media is making such a big deal out of this utter non-issue. When I was hanging with George back in the ’70s, we did lots worse stuff than that, believe me.”

SteveLoomi • Mathematician

“I just don’t understand. He had the whole world at his feet. Why would he want to party on drugs?”

Margot Penny • Insurance Agent