
The California Blackouts

A state of emergency has been declared in California, where massive power shortages have necessitated cutting off electricity through much of the state. What do you think about the crisis?

Michael Dupree • Systems Analyst

“Why don’t they just hook the state up to the mega-watt star power of Hollywood’s Charlize Theron? That blonde bombshell positively crackles with electricity.”

Michael Dupree • Systems Analyst

Ken Brandt • Bond Trader

“Well, there’s only one thing to be done. Nevada, Arizona: Give California all your power. Come on, it’s not like you matter as much.”

Ken Brandt • Bond Trader

Randy Toth • Painter

“It’s all a sad lesson in the dangers of short-sightedness in civic planning. But the important question is: When should we commence looting?”

Randy Toth • Painter

Fred Nouri • Landscaper

“I’m sure the people of California will band together to get through this. Then they’ll form a tofu cult.”

Fred Nouri • Landscaper

Adrienne Berner • Homemaker

“Gee, I hope San Francisco doesn’t have to turn off its big fog machine.”

Adrienne Berner • Homemaker

Donna Rutt • Teacher

“Didn’t California slide into the ocean yet? Can we find a way to speed that up?’

Donna Rutt • Teacher