
Testosterone, Needles Possibly Found At Pistorius' Home

Police say they found needles and what may be testosterone in Oscar Pistorius’ bedroom, suggesting that the double-amputee Olympic sprinter may have been doping around the time he shot his girlfriend, though defense lawyers claimed the substance was an herbal supplement and not a steroid. What do you think?

Neil Salvatori • Systems Analyst

“I don’t see what the big deal is. They found all sorts of crazy stuff at my apartment after I killed my girlfriend.”

Neil Salvatori • Systems Analyst

Theresa Berman • Oil Sprayer

“The guy has no legs. Let him take whatever he wants, for chrissakes.”

Theresa Berman • Oil Sprayer

Dennis Lew • Layaway Clerk

“It was probably echinacea. I use it to boost my immune system, but every now and again when I take it, I murder someone I love.”

Dennis Lew • Layaway Clerk