
Temperature Of Coffee Expected To Rise Nine Degrees By End Of 21st Century

WASHINGTON, DC—A report released by the Union of Concerned Dietitians stated that not only will the temperature of coffee increase by nearly nine degrees by the end of this century, but also that the rise is directly linked to human activity. “At this point, there is no way to reverse the trend, but we can slow it down,” said UCD President Marilyn Presber, who blamed the rising temperature on corporate coffee “super-heaters” such as Starbucks, McDonald’s, and Dunkin’ Donuts, and added that if the public made a conscious effort to heat water short of its boiling point and pour “extremely chilled” milk into the beverage, the overall temperature increase could be delayed nearly 150 years. “If we don’t make some sacrifices now, our children’s children will be living in a world in which it will be virtually impossible to avoid having the inside of their mouths burned.” However, many Americans remain skeptical of the coffee-heating issue, such as Tampa, FL coffee drinker Henry Giesen, 67, who calls it “a hoax perpetuated by the anti-caffeine lobby and the carbonated-beverage industry.”