
Taylor Swift To Receive Honorary Doctorate From NYU

Taylor Swift will receive an honorary doctorate of fine arts from New York University during a commencement ceremony at Yankee Stadium where she will address graduates of 2022 as well as those unable to have a ceremony due to the pandemic in 2021 and 2020. What do you think?

Eddie Mosychuk, Jump Rope Coach

“Further proving that paying for a degree is stupid when you can just be a once-in

Eddie Mosychuk, Jump Rope Coach

Mel Herrala, Postcard Seller

“The post-college job market is tough enough without having to compete with Taylor Swift.”

Mel Herrala, Postcard Seller

Kaylyn Johnson, Systems Analyst

“Good for her. It’s basically impossible to make it as a country pop singer without a doctorate.”

Kaylyn Johnson, Systems Analyst