Sweatshop Worker Doesn’t Even Want To Know Working Conditions Of Place Her Company Gets Fabric

DHAKA, BANGLADESH—Attempting to shake her thoughts regarding the horrific possibilities of the textile manufacturing industry, sweatshop worker Shanta Banek told reporters Wednesday that she doesn’t even want to know the working conditions of the facility where her company sources the fabric for their garments. “I often say to myself that factories can’t get worse than the hot, dark, poorly wired firetrap where I spend 16 hours every day, but that textile mill has to be worse, right? This incredibly cheap fabric just shows up and we don’t even consider where it came from, but now that I think about it—yikes,” said Banek of the 300 yards of cotton fabric piled near her sewing machine, a bolt of which she estimated could not cost more than 50 cents including shipping costs. “We get paid around 80 taka [U.S. 95 cents] a day to make shirts that will sell for $30 at the Gap, so the wages at the textile mill must be…my God, I can’t even imagine. That’s it—I’m applying for one of those sweet jobs at the aluminum foundry.” At press time, Banek had spiraled into a deep depression after briefly considering the potential conditions of the cotton growers who supplied the raw fibers to the textile mill.