
Sweatshop Worker Devastated To Hear Jacket She Worked So Hard On Looted

SHENZHEN, CHINA—Upset about the theft of one of the thousands of garments she had sewn, sweatshop worker Li Chen was devastated to hear Monday that the jacket she worked so hard on was looted. “It breaks my heart that I slaved away for 14 cents an hour in an extremely hot and poorly ventilated factory just to have my hard work stolen from Zara,” said Chen, explaining that it felt like she lost the tip of her finger sewing the lapel for nothing after learning that someone snatched the garment rather than paying the full retail price. “I don’t work 16-hour shifts so some person can waltz into a store and take the jacket I made without paying $85. It’s just absolutely devastating, that stitching was a nightmare. I should just take a pay cut to help out this poor company and everything they’ve been through. I feel bad for my shift supervisor who put his heart and soul into screaming at me to work faster.” At press time, Chen was comforted to learn that insurance covered the stolen item, and Zara would be just fine.