
Survey: Rich People More Likely To Disapprove Of ‘Participation Trophies’

According to data gathered by libertarian magazine Reason, wealthy people are much more likely than poorer people to disapprove of “participation trophies” for kids, or awards given out to all children regardless of whether they are winners or losers. What do you think?

Dan Waggoner • Large Animal Dentist

“If kids get trophies just for participating, how are they ever going to learn that the world is a perfect meritocracy?”

Dan Waggoner • Large Animal Dentist

Vicki Altamose • Concession Stand Leader

“Participation trophies undermine the whole point of sports, which is teaching kids that their value is dependent on kicking a ball really far.”

Vicki Altamose • Concession Stand Leader

Kevin Blankenship • Systems Analyst

“I’m fine with participation trophies, as long as they are unmistakably shittier than the real ones.”

Kevin Blankenship • Systems Analyst