
Supreme Court: Police Can Take DNA During Arrests

The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that police can swab a suspect for DNA during an arrest—though prior to any trial or potential conviction—in cases of a “serious offense,” with Justice Antonin Scalia joining three liberal justices in dissent. What do you think?

Tad Pollard • Pottery Worker

“I should get arrested with my son to see if he’s really mine.”

Tad Pollard • Pottery Worker

Alexander Mitchum • Veneer Gluer

“Wait, only ‘serious offenses’? Then why did that meter maid run her finger along the inside of my mouth?”

Alexander Mitchum • Veneer Gluer

Rebecca Kane • Unemployed

“Looks like Scalia is just another traitor. By my count, that’s nine traitors on the Supreme Court.”

Rebecca Kane • Unemployed