
Study Shows Tapping Cheek With Pointer Finger Still Number One Way To Get A Little Kiss

HOUSTON—According to a new study published Wednesday in the journal Evolution And Human Behavior, the act of tapping one’s cheek with the pointer finger remains the number one way to get a little kiss. “Our team found that turning the head, exposing a cheek, and repeatedly giving a small tap allowed subjects to successfully procure a little kiss nearly 73% of the time,” said lead researcher Walter Herman, who explained that the rate of cheek pecks rose to nearly 90% when the gesture was paired with the request to “give us some sugar.” “This method significantly outpaced others, such as exposing the cheek without tapping it, making little smacking noises with one’s lips, and simply insisting ‘you must kiss me on the cheek,’ all of which results in the subject receiving zero kisses.” The study also concluded that the cheek was unfortunately still the only body part one could tap to receive a kiss there.

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