
Study Finds Joggers Burn Up To 200 Calories From Repeatedly Pulling Down Bunched-Up Shorts

COLUMBUS, OH—According to a comprehensive, decade-long study published Tuesday by sports medicine researchers at the Ohio State University, joggers burn up to 200 calories during a 30-minute run simply from pulling down their bunched-up shorts over and over again. “Our data showed that a jogger can get in an excellent workout by constantly stopping their run to dislodge fabric that has migrated upward and into their crotch,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Rupert Meyer, who explained that substantial calories were also burned when a runner performed an extra little hop in an attempt to yank the clothing back into position without breaking stride. “In our research, each little kick a jogger made to prevent their shorts from riding up their inner thighs burned 20 calories, while multiple leg shakes every 300 meters increased their heart rate and burned fat. At the same time, a control group of joggers who wore leggings or bicycle shorts that stayed in place received none of the benefit from this high-intensity exercise.” Meyer added that walking or even just sitting on a bench on a hot, humid day could produce similar results, so long as the individual wore an ill-fitting undergarment for maximum bunching effect.