
Study: 93% Of Districts In Major U.S. Cities Unaffordable To Black Residents

A new study has found that 93% of neighborhoods in America’s major cities were unaffordable to the majority of local Black residents, while the majority of affordable zip codes were “low-opportunity” neighborhoods. What do you think?

Gale Booker, Comfort Advocate

“Huh, I wonder if this evidence is representative of an issue that might be system

Gale Booker, Comfort Advocate

Hugh Adler, Systems Analyst

“I have to walk 10 blocks to get good pho, so nobody’s neighborhood is perfect.”

Hugh Adler, Systems Analyst

Orville Remy, Rule Aficionado

“If you know of a way to help Black people without helping the poor, I’m all ears.”

Orville Remy, Rule Aficionado