
Starbucks To Pay Baristas’ College Tuition

Starbucks announced Monday that as part of an effort to save the American middle class, the coffee chain will pay for baristas working 20 or more hours a week to attend online classes at Arizona State University. What do you think?

Kevin Becker • Systems Analyst

“It’s nice to know that when our civic institutions fail us, our mid-price coffee chains are there to step in.”

Kevin Becker • Systems Analyst

Marcia DiBartolomeo • Paperwork Processor

“Sounds like a wonderful program, but if it drives up the price of drinks by even a single penny I’m going to throw a fucking fit.”

Marcia DiBartolomeo • Paperwork Processor

Gavin Simson • Mascot Designer

“It’s still cool to work there aimlessly though, right?”

Gavin Simson • Mascot Designer