
Starbucks Removes Beetle-Based Coloring

Starbucks said it would stop using cochineal beetles to color its strawberry Frappuccinos and switch to a tomato-based food coloring. What do you think?

Penny Emge • Systems Analyst

“It’s a shame they can’t just make a strawberry Frappuccino out of some kind of naturally red fruit.”

Penny Emge • Systems Analyst

Winston Reninger • Doffer

“Great. Now how am I supposed to be the weird guy at Starbucks who impresses girls with his knowledge of what’s

Winston Reninger • Doffer

Blaine Foree • Screwhead Polisher

“Thank goodness cockroaches just crawl right into Dunkin’ Donuts coffee machines every day so that I can still get my morning insect fix.”

Blaine Foree • Screwhead Polisher