
Starbucks Is 40

The Seattle-based coffee chain Starbucks celebrated its 40th anniversary in March.

Here are some of the events that have shaped the company over the years:

1972: Homeless man “Dancing” Danson becomes the first person to take a bath in a Starbucks bathroom

1976: Starbucks begins selling coffee after five years of only selling a fermented moss-based cider

1987: The company’s fat, naked double-tailed fish-lady logo is simplified to entice consumers

1990: A rogue barista starts drizzling cute girls’ drinks with caramel, which he secretly dispenses through an improvised bladder hidden within his pocket

1997: Invention of the coffee cup

2002: Responding to complaints that its coffee tastes bitter and burned, Starbucks releases Metal Machine Roast, the chain’s most perversely unpalatable brew to date

2007: Following the success of its music and book sales, Starbucks begins offering life insurance, tax preparation, and living wills

2008: Iced coffee provided to set of Leatherheads