
Star Wars News Net Joins Hundreds Of Publications In Condemning Trump’s Attacks On The Press

NEW YORK—Heeding the call of the Boston Globe to come together in the defense of journalistic integrity, Star Wars News Net joined hundreds of publications Thursday in condemning President Donald Trump’s attacks on the press. “The president could not be more wrong when he calls the free press an enemy of the people, and we stand alongside our brothers and sisters in the journalism profession in condemning Mr. Trump’s attacks,” wrote the Star Wars News Net editors in a statement published on the front page of their website, adding that they stood with The New York Times, Denver Post, and Madonnalicious.com in their defense of the First Amendment. “Mr. Trump may not like it, but it is our job to inform the public about whether Lando will be appearing in the next Star Wars film, demand answers from Hasbro about upcoming plans for new Luke Skywalker toys, and hold the powerful producers and directors of these films accountable for their casting decisions. Yes, we may make mistakes on occasion in our efforts to bring the public the facts about when the fourth season of Star Wars Rebels is coming to Blu-ray and DVD; we are only human. But we cannot and will not stand idly by as the president attacks free speech, and we will continue to bring Americans the Star Wars news they need and deserve, no matter what Mr. Trump says.” The Star Wars News Net editors added that any attacks by the president on their decision to praise the studio for firing Colin Trevorrow from Star Wars: Episode IX over creative differences would set a dangerous precedent for free speech in America.