
Spotify Removes R. Kelly From Promotions As Part Of Anti-Hate Policy

Spotify announced that it will no longer promote the R&B singer’s music on its editorial or algorithmic playlists in accordance with its public hate content and hateful conduct policy. What do you think?

Monra Robrecht • Caricature Forger

“Now if you want to listen to him, you’ll have to look him up and everything!”

Monra Robrecht • Caricature Forger

Wolfgang Peters • Driving Range Caddy

“I’m sure R. Kelly would be upset about this if he weren’t so busy tending to his sex cult.”

Wolfgang Peters • Driving Range Caddy

Greg Swill • Professional Raconteur

“Damn, that’s extreme. Couldn’t they instead just have put him in prison a few years?”

Greg Swill • Professional Raconteur