
SpaceX Announces First Private Passenger To Fly To Moon

Elon Musk announced that Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa will be the passenger for the first-ever private mission to the moon in 2023. Maezawa hopes to bring along up to eight artists with him to inspire creativity based on space voyages. What do you think? 

Reggie Ratcliffe • Systems Analyst

“This’ll be much more impre

Reggie Ratcliffe • Systems Analyst

Kayla Greenwood • Flab Eliminator

“Elon Musk has accomplished something huge: media attention distracting from his recent fuck-ups.”

Kayla Greenwood • Flab Eliminator

Lily-Mae Hayward • Unemployed

“Maezawa should totally take me and my watercolor horse paintings into space.”

Lily-Mae Hayward • Unemployed