
‘So You Brought Home A White Girl, Huh?’ Say Skeptical White Parents To White Son

WESTPORT, CT—Local white parents Dennis and Theresa Ludlow expressed skepticism Monday while confronting their white son about the fact that he brought home a white girl. “We couldn’t help but notice that the girl you brought over for Sunday dinner was white, huh?” said Theresa Ludlow, explaining that they had nothing against white people per se, but that it was just interesting that their white son would want to date a white woman. “Court-ney? Is that how you pronounce her name? Of course you can bring home whoever you want, but she just seems very, uh, suburban. I don’t know if our families will have much in common, you know, with the whole us being white and them being white thing. I mean, what will your white grandmother say?” At press time, Theresa claimed it was difficult to understand her white son’s white girlfriend’s white accent.