Signed 8×10 Of Tony Danza Draws Millions To Brooklyn Dry Cleaner

BROOKLYN, NY—An estimated 12 million people from some 90 nations are descending en masse on Dimitri’s Dry Cleaners on Flatbush Avenue to drop off their dry cleaning and gaze upon the autographed photo of actor Tony Danza that hangs in the store’s window. “To think that the proprietors of this establishment have met and may actually be close personal friends of actor Tony Danza, star of Who’s The Boss? and Going Ape!,” said Kentaro Kagemoto, one of the estimated 200,000 Japanese citizens to make the pilgrimage to Brooklyn to view the framed 8×10 glossy. “I must have my suits dry cleaned here and here only.”

Sample front page of The Onion's DNC paper