
Senate Recognizes Armenian Genocide

In a move likely to infuriate the Turkish government, the Senate passed a bipartisan resolution led by Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) recognizing the Armenian Genocide that began more than a century ago, with Cruz stating that the resolution was “an achievement for truth, an achievement for speaking the truth to darkness, for speaking the truth to evil.” What do you think?

Roger Leal • Showroom Greeter

“Nodding to the existence of a century-old genocide is the first step towards stopping it.”

Roger Leal • Showroom Greeter

Patricia Kelly • Box Distributor

“Jesus, how far back does our Senate to-do list go?”

Patricia Kelly • Box Distributor

Martin McNeill • Billboard Censor

“Being recognized for something always feels nice.”

Martin McNeill • Billboard Censor