
Secret Service Called Before Congress

Following an incident in Colombia in which Secret Service agents drank excessively and hired prostitutes, the head of the agency was called before Congress to discuss the scandal and its fallout. Here are some of the revelations from the hearing:

April 15, 1865: Secret Service completely fails to prevent assassination of Abraham Lincoln by not yet existing

October 9, 1977: Four members of President Carter’s security detail showed up aboard Air Force One in KISS makeup for his visit to Detroit

March 29, 1981: Drunk agent reveals to John Hinckley, Jr. at a bar that President Reagan’s body is particularly vulnerable to bullets

January 15, 1982: “SS” beat Reagan’s high score on White House Dig Dug machine

August 3, 1993: An agent was discovered running a moonshine still in the Lincoln Bedroom

March, 7 1994: Neglected to dive in front of the TV, leaving Chelsea Clinton exposed to Saturday Night Live’s unflattering and rather petty depictions of her

March 10, 2012: During vice presidential visit to Honduras, replaced everyone’s weapons with bananas for Secret Service Prank Day

March 15, 2012: Agents left Vice President Biden’s detail for 12 hours to camp out for the newest iPad