
Second Life Makes Dream Of Owning Fictitious Coffee Shop Come True

HAILEY, ID—As a teenager, Kerry Jarrett never thought she would have the opportunity to own and operate a completely fabricated coffee shop and performance space. But thanks to Linden Lab’s popular Second Life digital world, Jarrett, 31, has turned her dream into a virtual reality.

“As long as I can remember, I’ve pictured myself owning a multipolygonal 3-D representation of what a coffee shop might be in the real world,” said Jarrett, who has invested hundreds of real dollars and thousands of actual hours in Never Bean, her digital pseudo-business in Second Life’s popular Scurfield district. “Since I’ve never been too interested in inventory tracking, accounting, or interacting with people except inside a complex computer simulation, running this simulated coffee shop has been the greatest experience of my life.”

Jarrett’s shop is popular among Second Life regulars for its atmosphere, its 24-hour availability, and its location between the T-Mobile dealership and the 10,000-foot glowing green penis.