
SeaWorld Admits To Spying On PETA

SeaWorld CEO Joel Manby has admitted that employees of the park were sent undercover to PETA meetings to incite confrontation and illegal action among animal rights activists. What do you think?

Arnie Caran • Saddle Fitter

“Negligent animal care really frees up your time for reconnaissance.”

Arnie Caran • Saddle Fitter

Nora Lufkin • Steak Seasoner

“Let’s not act like espionage hasn’t always been part of the aquatic entertainment game.”

Nora Lufkin • Steak Seasoner

Grant Snebb • Leak Detector

“I bet the mole came back with all kinds of juicy intel, like the fact that PETA doesn’t like SeaWorld.”

Grant Snebb • Leak Detector