
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Vows To Protect Good People Of Arkansas From Any Questions

LITTLE ROCK, AR—Announcing her official bid for governor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders vowed Monday to protect the good people of Arkansas from any questions. “As governor, I promise to do everything in my power to ensure Arkansans never have to answer another heinous question again,” said Sanders, who explained she was compelled to run for office after witnessing firsthand the destructive effects of questions in Washington. “Questions are the biggest threat facing Arkansans. From the Ozark Mountains to the Mississippi River, I will protect all of our people from queries. Whether you work in a turkey plant or in oil production, your life shouldn’t have to revolve around answering irksome questions. Those eliciting information have no place in Arkansas. This is God’s country, and we speak in statements.” At press time, Sanders had become irate after a reporter asked her how she planned to accomplish this.

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