
Santorum Contradicts McCain On ‘Enhanced Interrogation’

In a radio interview Tuesday, presidential hopeful Rick Santorum said he thinks torture critic Sen. John McCain “doesn’t understand how enhanced interrogation works.” What do you think?

Lilly Cudahy • Hand Edge Bander

“Well, if there’s anyone who knows about torture, it’s Rick Santorum, who was savagely beaten by 18 percentage points while trying to hold on to his Senate seat in 2006.”

Lilly Cudahy • Hand Edge Bander

Todd Cox • Vamp Creaser

“I think there’s an easy fix. Let’s just torture him again.”

Todd Cox • Vamp Creaser

Darren Dixon • Unemployed

“Who are we to judge? Maybe they just do things differently in Rick Santorum’s basement.”

Darren Dixon • Unemployed