
Russia's Woes?

Russia is currently in the grips of the worst economic and political turmoil it has seen since the breakup of the Soviet Union. What do you think about the woeful state of our former enemy?

Yvgeny Koptev • Potato Farmer

“As a Siberian potato farmer, it’s hard for me to adjust to these hard times after so many years of tremendous prosperity.”

Yvgeny Koptev • Potato Farmer

Craig Sims • Systems Analyst

“Why don’t they do one of those Five Year Plans? Those were pretty successful. Except, I guess, for the famine and genocide.”

Craig Sims • Systems Analyst

Rob Traschel • School Psychologist

“Things are that bad over there, huh? No wonder all my mail-order brides have been sick or dead on arrival.”

Rob Traschel • School Psychologist

Lauren Geist • Homemaker

“It’s just so awful what has happened over there. I mean, she was the people’s princess.”

Lauren Geist • Homemaker

Patti Bauer • Photographer

“We can help support the Russian economy in all sorts of ways: Request Stolichnaya for our screwdrivers. Buy more nesting dolls. Rent

Patti Bauer • Photographer

Timothy Hughes • Auto Mechanic

“The U.S. should not offer any aid to Russia until Nikolai Volkov publicly apologizes for hitting Sergeant Slaughter over the head with that folding chair.”

Timothy Hughes • Auto Mechanic