
Russia Launches 8 Gerbils, 15 Lizards, Fish Into Space

Analyzing the effects of long-term space travel, Russia launched a capsule into orbit containing mice, geckos, gerbils, snails, fish, and a variety of microogranisms, which will all be monitored for 30 days before returning to Earth, when they’ll be euthanized. What do you think?

Dawn Miano • Loom Fixer

“Space will prove hard on these animals, but their greatest challenge will be working as a team out there.”

Dawn Miano • Loom Fixer

Joel Chang • Food And Drug Inspector

“Those poor microorganisms.”

Joel Chang • Food And Drug Inspector

Rick Bernstein • Pedal Assembler

“This is a bold step toward one day sending 14 cats, 3 wolves, and 12 bats to Mars.”

Rick Bernstein • Pedal Assembler